I have a lot of Eaglemoss Classic Figurines
Here's what you've got to choose from:
Doc Samson

Alan Scott Green Lantern
Union Jack
Impossible Man
Blue Beetle
Barry Allen Flash
Doomsday (Super Special oversized, which will cost you $17 with shipping because of the size and weight of this one)Gorilla Grodd (Super Special oversized, same price as above)
As an added bonus, I am tossing in a few comic books with each figure sold. Which books? Who cares--they're free! They'll be mainstream DC and Marvel comics relatively recent, so you aren't going to find any lost treasure, but you'll probably find something you haven't read before.
This is a first-come first-served basis sale, so email me at comicsincrisis(at)yahoo.com if see something you want. I can send you an invoice through PayPal if you'd like, or I can hold it until your payment of cash or money order arrives.
This listing is good from today until April 11, 2010, after which anything I have left will be listed on Amazon.com. This is a great way for your to begin a collection or add to one you already have. You can do an online search for any of those listed figures and you're going to see they're gorgeous.
I have a ton of figures I'm selling as well, so if this goes well I might just come back with a discounted list of other DC and Marvel showcase figures I have.
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