It's Martian Tripods Versus Steampunk Tech in War of the Worlds: Goliath

Fans of H.G. Wells and the steampunk genre, take note: The animated War of the Worlds: Goliath is scheduled for worldwide release in fall 2012.

Goliath is a sequel to Wells' original novel, and it will take place 15 years after the first invasion. An international defense force called A.R.E.S. has been established using technology derived from the fallen tripods, and it is called into service when a second wave of Martians arrive. In this alternate steampunk timeline, there are armored battle zeppelins and human-made tripods, and A.R.E.S. is led by none other than Theodore Roosevelt. (Move over Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter--War of the Worlds: Goliath will have Teddy Roosevelt, alien fighter!)

Goliath is also a reunion of sorts for some of the cast and crew from the Highlander TV series (1992-1998). This film was co-written by David Abramowitz, a creative consultant for most of Highlander's run, and the voice cast includes Highlander vets Peter Wingfield, Adrian Paul, Elizabeth Gracen, and Jim Byrnes. Goliath is the second War of the Worlds sequel project for Adrian Paul: He also had a starring role during the second season of the syndicated War of the Worlds TV show (1988-1990), which was a sequel to George Pal's 1953 film adaptation of Wells' novel. Additional voice cast includes Adam Baldwin (Firefly, Chuck) and James Arnold Taylor (Star Wars: The Clone Wars).

A diagram of human-made tripods, courtesy of Heavy Metal.

Click here to visit the official War of the Worlds: Goliath site.


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