Battlestar Galactica: Blood and Chrome, a Pilot Movie about Humans Fighting Intelligent Machines, Debuts this Friday on a Computer Network

Oh, you silly SyFy Channel. Have you ever liked the sci-fi genre at all, or was your initial airing of sci-fi TV shows just an excuse to sneak more professional wrestling and reality TV on the air?

I just found out that the two-hour pilot episode of Blood and Chrome, the long-delayed prequel spin-off of Battlestar Galactica, will be making its debut this Friday. However, the pilot will not be seen in a single showing on the SyFy Channel, which was home to the rebooted Galactica and Caprica, the first prequel spin-off series. Instead, the Blood and Chrome pilot has been edited into ten chapters that will be made available on Machinima's YouTube channel starting this Friday. You can learn more about this segmented premiere here at the Entertainment Weekly site.

I enjoyed the Battlestar Galactica reboot through most of its run, although things started going downhill when the "Final Five" Cylon infiltrators started hearing Bob Dylan in their heads. Don't get me started about the series' finale--that frustrated me so much that I completely avoided Caprica. But anyone who knows anything about television knows that if you really, really want to promote a new TV project, the last thing you do is chop it into pieces and dump it in some obscure location. (Wait--did I just describe a mob hit?)

To be sure, Machinima isn't the most unpopular site for video content on the Internet (see this page for stats about Machinima) but from what I've read, putting the Blood and Chrome pilot on Machinima is not a teaser for a new TV series, but some kind of weak promotional campaign to help sell the pilot when it is released on DVD in 2013. In other words, this is part of SyFy's attempt to ensure a return on its investment in a failed attempt at creating a new TV series. I suppose that impressive DVD sales and high ratings from online viewings could earn Blood and Chrome the series commission that it didn't earn initially, but I wouldn't bet on it.

Anyway, here’s a preview trailer for those of you who give a frak:


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