Wizard World Update and Shall We Play A Game?

This past weekend I went to Wizard World in Atlanta and I have to say it was amazing. Last year I went to the San Diego Comic Con, this year I've been to Imagicon, Dragon-con, and now Wizard World Atlanta and it was hands-down the best of the four. It wasn't as big as Dragon Con, but it was a true comic book convention. Every booth (except one) had comic books for sale, and the artists there were great. Ethan Van Sciver sketched me an incredible Batman that is now overlooking my stairway, and did I mention there were comic books? There weren't as many costumed folks there, but the ones that came were impressive too. No shoulder-to-shoulder aisle crushes or anything, just good clean fun. Khristian is going to hit more on that next week. He was able to score an interview with a major cast member from the upcoming Green Lantern film who wasn't listed to be there, but showed up anyway! 

For this week, I found this neat little quiz program and decided to throw together a crossword puzzle for you guys. Let's see how much of a comic book fanatic you are!

Time yourself and see if you can finish this in less than 5 minutes!

You can find the quiz page here! Then come back and post your time so we can see who the real comic fanatics are!

If you like doing stuff like this, let me know and I'll put together a harder one for the more serious fanboys out there.


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